Monday 21 May 2007

It's a start

I drafted up a loose layout for my web page. i see many problems with the design and there will be a lot of constructive criticism to help me out. i basically have a template for a page that the site will follow. i am thankful that i have this as a foundation because, hopefully, it will allow me to go along with my project, pushing for the most challenge possible but allow me not to get stuck if something is too much for me to do.
the content that i plan to bring into my project might alter my site layout. now that i have a rough base to begin, i need to finalize my content. i want to research a little on the history of the bay's development. i also need to go back to my block during different times of the day and if anything changes my direction, i have the flexibility to roll with it.

*i tried posting jpegs of my layout but the blog was reversing the colors... oh well time for kabuki. IMAGES COMING SOON*

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